Categories for Green Dream Blog

Changing Seasons Bring Farewells

July 9, 2019 10:59 am Published by Leave your thoughts


It’s the season of wildflower bouquet in my cup holder! Creating art from pressed plants is a hobby of mine that started as a result of a herbarium school assignment in my first year of university. This project opened me up to a whole new understanding and appreciation of the world around me. Over the last few years I have become less reliant on my identification books and more adept at predicting the changing of wildflower seasons or micro-seasons.

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Blog 3 Joshua Kranabetter

July 9, 2019 10:44 am Published by 3 Comments

Hello all! I’m currently finishing up an electronics project and collecting adventure stills to be featured in upcoming blogs. For now, here’s a collection of limericks by yours truly about the versatility of lumber, the importance canoe ownership, and situational silver linings respectively.

As a precursor, please don’t fret, I will be keeping my day job.


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How to survive logging road trips: a Rookie’s Guide

July 8, 2019 3:52 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

During my time as a layout crew member, I have made several trips to remote logging camps. These trips to and from camp require travelling a considerable distance on the logging roads that surround Williston Lake. These road trips, while potentially long and fraught with hazards, can be a fun experience if you prepare and execute these trips accordingly. I will be providing tips in the form of three categories Safety first,

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Interviews with REAL FOREST TECHS

July 8, 2019 3:40 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Hey gang!

I hope everyone had a super fun and safe Canada day long weekend! My boyfriend and I went camping near the river that runs through Sundre. We did some fly fishing and played a few games like frisbee and ring toss, it was perfect! The weather was warm and sunny, and it felt so nice to be in a tent again.

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Mapping my Experience Part: I

June 27, 2019 10:32 am Published by Leave your thoughts

One part of the Layout and planning component of the forestry industry (and it’s prevalent at a lot of the woodlands management steps) is mapping! Now, because I mentioned this in my first blog you knew this was coming. Maps of the blocks we work in are important for being able to navigate on the ground. We use GPSes and compasses/paper maps to navigate while we are doing layout,

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Blog 2 Dan Tran

June 27, 2019 10:20 am Published by Leave your thoughts

I figured that random drawings of large pipes and still mats are rather boring… so this week I have asked if I could post videos of those large pipes and still mats moving.

The Press. Codename: Moneymaker. “Our job is to keep that press going without stopping. If it stops, we lose money.” – Every employee I’ve talked to in the mill.

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Blog #2 Joshua Kranabetter

June 25, 2019 2:43 pm Published by 1 Comment

A lot has happened in the last two weeks. With the shutdown of the Armstrong mill I was temporarily relocated to the Lavington division, Tolko’s ground zero mill that has been operational for over 60 years. It’s fascinating to see how different the layout and processes are between mill sites. Older mills are particularly interesting in that the arrangement is a representation of the original design,

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Al-Pac Adventure – No Roads About It

June 25, 2019 2:25 pm Published by 3 Comments

Hello readers,

It has not been long since I last wrote a blog entry, but it seems like so much has happened. After weeks of training, I began to wonder if I was ever going to leave my office and experience the sunshine. Luckily, I started fieldwork in the Woodlands department at Al-Pac.

I recently achieved my summer goal to learn about and work in Poplar Farms.

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It’s Not Just Paperwork

June 25, 2019 1:26 pm Published by 1 Comment

I am happy to announce that, in the last two weeks since I’ve written, I have not gotten my feet wet, nor had either set of wheels stuck! I also proudly towed someone else out of a mess and had only a few nearly-stuck moments with my quad (thank you, winch). Some other exciting opportunities I and students from other departments have experienced include assisting with a grade 6 archeology dig day at the Whitecourt Forest Interpretive Center where a few kids actually found legitimate artifacts,

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Who, How and What

June 24, 2019 1:39 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

How do trees access the internet?

They log on.

Welcome back to the blog, and thank you for joining me. In this instalment, I’d like to provide a biography of myself, including the experiences that have led me to where I am today – a member of the Greenest Workforce. We will conclude with a brief discussion of some of the topics I’d like to cover in my upcoming instalments.

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Field Trips on the Leddy Lake Interpretive Trail

June 24, 2019 12:00 pm Published by 1 Comment

Hi again! For this blog, I’m going to talk a bit about one of my favorite roles at Mercer Peace River. Part of my job involves leading school field trips at Leddy Lake, and helping to maintain the Leddy Lake Interpretive Trail.

Elementary and junior high students from schools in the region come to the trail to learn about the boreal forest,

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Welcome to SUNDRE!

June 21, 2019 11:43 am Published by 1 Comment


You must remember from my last post that I described the town of Sundre as a “small town with a lot of character and places to explore”. Well, for this post I’m going to tell you about the exciting recreation opportunities this spicy little town has to offer.

I could go on and on for days about what adventures you could find down here;

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From Humble Beginnings

June 10, 2019 7:10 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

My Name is Trenton Horsley and I am a summer student working as a Forestry assistant at Conifex Timber in Beautiful Mackenzie, BC! I was drawn to the forestry industry after having spent a previous summer in Mackenzie working as a trail builder and seeing the wealth of opportunity that existed therein, I decided to take the leap this summer and work for Conifex in their planning division.

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From the kootenays to the cariboo

June 10, 2019 7:00 pm Published by 3 Comments

A warm welcome to you, reader. My name is Leeza Perehudoff, and I am one of the contributors that is fortunate to participate in the 2019 Green Dream Job Blog. Instead of jumping into a biography (which will come later), I would rather you join me on a little journey…

Spring, well, more like summer, had just sprung in my hometown of Castlegar,

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